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Earby Masterplan (2nd Meeting)

Help Shape The Earby Masterplan

Wednesday 20th of September at Linden Road Centre, Linden Road, Earby, 6pm – 8pm for Earby residents to come along and find out more about the Earby Masterplan, and have your say. This is the second public meeting for Earby, and since the first, the plan has been revised to include a variety of ideas based on feedback so far: https://www.pendle.gov.uk/downloads/file/11771/early_thinking_on_earby_masterplan_july_2023

The plans are also available to view in the front window of Earby Council building (Victoria Road), and will be displayed at the meeting.

Also available on the Pendle Borough Council website is a presentation guide for the 20th of September’s meeting, including discussion points and ideas for Earby: https://www.pendle.gov.uk/downloads/file/11799/earby_masterplan_presentation

The image below is some of the feedback from local residents so far.

An online booking system for the event seems to already be full: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-workshop-to-develop-a-masterplan-for-earby-tickets-692316827267?aff=oddtdtcreator but people at the previous meeting had not all used the online booking and just turned up to the meeting. So pop along to Linden Road Centre on Wednesday 20th (6pm – 8pm) to get involved with the discussion.